

Whispers of the moonlit meadow
Whispers of the moonlit meadow,
A symphony of nature's grace,
Where the moon casts its gentle shadow,
And beauty reveals its face.

The tall grasses sway in the breeze,
As the moonbeams dance upon their tips,
While the flowers bow in reverence,
To the night's enchanting eclipse.

The stars above twinkle in delight,
As the moon whispers secrets untold,
To the creatures of the meadow,
As they gather in its mystical fold.

A lone owl hoots in the distance,
A wise guardian of the night,
As the fireflies light up the darkness,
With their flickering, magical light.

The meadow is alive with whispers,
Of secrets and stories untold,
As the moon watches over them,
In its shimmering, silver fold.

Nature's orchestra plays on,
As the night wears on and on,
And the whispers of the moonlit meadow,
Echo in a peaceful, soothing song.

This is a place of wonder,
Where nature and magic meet,
And the whispers of the moonlit meadow,
Make our hearts skip a beat.

So let us linger in this moment,
In the moonlit meadow's embrace,
And listen to its whispers,
For they hold a special place.

© king