

I'm scared of you, ok
Everytime I think about you I see darkness
I hear the cries of monstrous horror
I smell the steaming blood, drooling from your mouth
I feel and even taste your lust for violence

You're still locked in the cage you deserve to be
I hate you for being locked in, but also relieved that you're not loose
You try to persuade me to give you a chance, but fear controls me to never open up the door
You don't even care about me, only blinded by your own despair

You have claws and fangs to make others bleed
You have the strength to fight every form of mankind
You have the endurance to throw everything away
You have the courage to back it all up too

I'm afraid of that, afraid of you, I'll admit
Though your control is meaningless
You use tricks & lies to play to my fear
But you are never getting out!

Cause you are a monster
A monster in its cage
Cause that's what I do
Lock away the dark thoughts
So I don't become the monster

© Jack G.