

I can't picture a life without problem
I can’t picture a life without problems,
They inspire us to work hard and learn.
We will all suffer this process,
No matter how much we avoid it.

No one in life with success nor suffering.
suffering has a lot of success in.
their is no suffering without freedom.
you can be a thing when you have,
hardworking with a full of stretching.
I can't picture a life without problem.

Poverty to success is like land to sky.
no one reach there without problem.
no one is possible for to fly at atmosphere.
no one move from poverty to,
success without seeing a lot.
I can't picture a life without problem.

there's no good thing without has bad,
before see the good no matter how.
life is a full of problem in good and bad.
vanity upon vanity is irony of life.
I can't picture a life without problem.

© olohunkunmi001