

Love. . .
Love, can be as beautiful as a diamond.
so beautiful, so unique and yet so valuable that not many people are aware of its true nature.
But, it can be shattered. . . in so many places, that you don't know where or how to start fixing it.
Real diamonds, everybody wishes to have one in their possession, to exploit them to its core, and is unbreakable. . . so unbreakable that it will be impossible to see one so weak.
Yet, they are weak, our hearts are weak, not only in a phisical way, but emotionally, it so weak.
Nobody. . . want to se their pieces scattered onto the floor as if a porcelain doll decide to jump, to its domed.
My oh my, love is so weak. . . but why does it makes us. . . happy?, it makes us happy, a feeling of speciality that we don't know how to esplain.
Is so addicting. . . and yet, I want it to stop. . . I never ask for this unwanted feelings. . . and yet I am trying to grab this shattered pieces without any luck by my side.
Love. . . I don't want it, I don't want to keep holding these shattered pieces. . . what should I do?!, should I wait for someone to help, and make me happy, and care for me as much that the person who broke them did!.
I never care for the shattered pieces of others. . . it wasn't me who caused their shattering. . . and yet they looked at me with such a fierce rage in their eyes. . . wishing the same fate, for my cold emotionless heart.
I don't want a happily ever after, I want to put together this shattered pieces!.

I don't nor do I want to feel this. . .

unwanted emotions ever again.. . .