

Colorless,shadows,invisibility,darkness,dreaming from a distance and self isolation are the solemn definitions of my life.

Fanatic,daydreams,faith,make belief and hope are the reality of my love life.

I'm a free eagle in its flight but as soon as he is brought to the picture,my wings are crippled and I fall.

They say the worst in life come free to us and this is inevitable in my love life.

Procrastination is a theif of time,no queries here. I've spent these years Looking on the side views only saying,"tomorrow I will talk to him".

I'm in love with someone who doesn't know I exist. All I can do is worry if he notices me,but what good will this do me,it will only empty my today of its strength.

I'm exhausted of playing pretend,I want to be visible and be the highlight of his life. But as clear as daylight,this will not happen if I continue being a spectator only.

I keep my fingers ccrossed and take a step further. Being prepared for what come may.
© @Tamara N