

Just Listen
I know I know
that you don't understand me
half of the times
and it's fine.

I'm alright and so good
It's just a regular day for me.
Taking her to work and our
daughter to school.

Cool I hit the lottery.
Wow nothing big
just some keno ha.
You know how it is.

When you have to get away.
Away from the stress of the day.
The hustle and bustle of life.
It's a day to day fight.

Just keep smiling
don't let other's change you.
Be willing
If you only knew

To be the best you
despite of all I've been through.
Lost love broken heart's
Love one's parted.

Life throws the ball at you.
Obsorb it I told my co worker
Keep running as it keep coming
Refuse to quit or ever give up.

And you know what?
Your make it one day.
Wipe your tears.
Just pray.

Sipe some wine or beer.
What or who do we have to fear.
We've conquered the giant's.
Over come many mountains.

We've won while winning.
Hang around then,
Just Listen.

© Melvin Hardy Jr.