

The Final Call
A deep dark silence that has crawled in their lives
whom to trust who can stand by their side
This planet is not their home anymore
A single species dominates amongst all.

We use them indiscriminately without a tinch of sympathy
Heartless have we become by killing our empathy.

We tag them as 'mutes' without thinking once
that they have a language which we cannot utter.
We hunt them in forests ; we fire them by guns
Ready to serve them in our plates as lunch!

They helplessly cry and beg for mercy
Knowing it's their end, they pine for their children
But cruel us, we never understand their plea
We slay them and are infinitely content.

The disdainful cries,we're deaf to them
giving lame excuses to hunt a lion in it's Den

If not butchers we became then what is it
That persuades our conscience to do all this
Never looking at our barbaric and inhumane deeds
Entitling us therefore to the 'Cruelest of Species'

We Demons that on this land dwell, hath brought this disorder.
But the nature certainly knows well, how to again create the Order!
If stop this we don't until its late
Then soon we will face the darkest of our fate!

If things be worse soon we'll witness our dreadful fall
Coz unfortunately this is the Nature's final call!

© The Infinity