

Do You Love Rain?-2
Our ancient love-was that ever like today?
Diverged path-both of us are far away,
Do you feel the rain outside like you did
When we were in amour?Or just see it?

Once upon a time,the rain-sound seemed cacophony-As your voice was euphony
Even the lullabies you sang to me-
They would made me awaken instead.

Only latibule of mine was your heart;
Today I try to hide somewhere else-
In the shadowy depth of darkness
Just before the rain comes!

Oh dear!thanks for making me a lover,
For letting me be aesthete,
To fall in love with the fallen raindrops
And to love it all-of rain.

Our ancient love was never like today,
It was full of petrichor,
But that taught me to love the beauty
Droplets by droplets.

© Stranger