

Beach the Creation
If the sun is merely a creation and we cannot bear to look at it how much greater is the one who created it. The heat of the sun can easily burn your skin but The fire of the Lord burns away all evil and purifies, reforms the cold metal hearts of man. Only in the shade of a palm tree will you be protected from the hot sun, only in the shade of Christ Jesus will you be protected from the fathers wrath.
If One wave of the ocean can take you far, how much further could the creator take you.
The wind of this world carries sand to blind your eyes, but the wind of the Lord brings understanding and knowledge.
We were made in the image of the Lord, as the water reflects the sky, the Lord wants us to have a loving character as he does. Children run to look for seashells in the burning sand, The Lord waits for his children to look for treasure in the golden heavens. As the Dolphins dance in the waters they don’t jump out onto the sand to join others, their habitat is the sea as the habitat of man is in the spirit of the Lord.
The jagged corals and reefs wait to attack the unsuspecting. They are so concentrated on keeping their head above the waters. Who can fight against an ocean that is so big. Call upon the only one who can steady it. Why do you fight on your own? Who has ever won a war by them self? The Lord will fight for you and repel attacks from all sides. For what loving father will not protect his Young children.
When the sun sets and the sea roars louder there is another by your side. He brings an army to protect his beloved child. They’re humble marching and shouts of praise louder than the ocean always brings victory.
© Alena Beknazarov