

How sweet is gospel music,
When I hear it, I feel euphoric,
It is pleasant to the ears,
And drives away fears.
It is all about worship to God,
Which is not always done on one's tod,
With different instruments combined,
Sounding euphonious to the mind.
It can bring down God's glory,
And God's glory is not typical of foolery.
Everyone can be moved to sing and dance,
No matter the circumstance.
It is not onerous,
So, the people have to be vivacious.
On instruments, people can play skillfully,
It is not done absurdly.
Gospel music is of positive impact,
That is just the fact.
It gives spiritual edification,
Which metamorphoses into inspiration.
It can reduce tension,
Leading to feelings of rejuvenation.
Gospel music is very voluptuous,
Such a fact is conspicuous.
It brings about happiness,
Without any iota of sadness.
Gospel music is sensationally mesmerizing,
With an atmosphere which feels so exciting.
True worshippers make gospel music sweet,
True worshippers, in terms of ministration, are elite.
People feel the aura,
And they shout, "Hallelujah!"
With the combination of melodious instruments,
It leads to the formation of musical elements.
God loves it when His children worship Him,
That is why we make music to Him.
In such a situation,
To God, we express adoration.
Gospel music is sweet,
Even sweeter than a bird's tweet.
The music alone brings healing,
Which results in a comfortable feeling.
The content contains continuous praises,
Which is done on daily basis,
Words of worship,
Expressing to God His Lordship.
Gospel music is so sweet,
That is a statement one can repeat,
Because one can feel it's glory,
Which can turn away unnecessary story.

© NewKeys