

Gleaming Eyes
Her eyes gleamed with the light 
Of her inner strength,
the likes of which she had never
demonstrated before.
She had walked miles,
that wearied her feet, thighs and
abdomen; the right side of
her abdomen experiened
the worst pain of all her
other body parts,
that was in fact,
a sharp stabbing pain.
That never hindered her
however, she strut in stride.
Determined to make it,
on all fours if need be,
as long as she ultimately
made it to the end.
Not worried about the length
and amount of determination
it would take, she carried on
through the pain.
Thankfully when she reached
the finish line, however, she
said finally I've completed my
race and ran across it with
the biggest widest smile
of her life polished on
her bright face.

© St. Clair