

Pretty Little Love
I love you, I love your smile,
Even after mile and mile,
Tone down the title rile

ER...Too bad it got sour,
Baby let's make up for about an hour.
Put your pretty little poker face on my tower,
I ran out of power,
He sorta reminds me of Jacob Mower.
He was a damn sweetener plower,
Picking up each 3 leaf clover,
Minimizing the 3 leaf to get to the 4 leaf, oops found one over your shoulder,
As soon as it's getting closer,
I find time is not getting slower,
Pretty soon we're gunna have to invest in a snow blower.
He's not a grower he's a shower.

I'm impressed by his logical sense of humor,
If I wanted kids this would be a big baby boomer,
)My SAX. Could use a tuner,
I wasn't a late bloomer,
I'll be the only consumer.

Up by half retail,
This seems slower than a snail,
I can't wait to get some good news mail,
I can't remember the last time I stepped on a scale,
But if you pick me up (which I'm going to trust you to do) your arms better not go stale,
I still feel colorful not pale,
The feelings that you sail.

I'm gunna be there for the ride,
Even if I die,
I know once I get there I'm not going to want to say goodbye,
But I just slightly, slowly, sigh,
Shoes that unzip and don't tie,
Would you express yourself as being shy?
Cause I can be faithful to the right guy,
I swear that on my missing legs right thigh,
Is there an application cause where do I apply?

I can quit my bad habits,