


I will always carry u in my heart.
Cus no woman can take tht part of my heart.
For it belongs to u..
U r my true love.
And even tho r paths split.
Have got admit.
That u took me out of hells pit.
And for it..
Ill be here for u.
If u ever need it.
We took our love forgranted.
And i accept theres to much damage.
But i promise. If not in this life. It shall b the next. Ill look for u again. And do this right..
I love u with my heart, body and soul..
And even tho its hurts to let go..
U deserve ur price charming.
So ill step to side.
With my head low.
Ashamed tht i failed u.
Wishing the best for u...
Cus all i did was make u miserable..

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