

I’m craving the adrenaline rush
Give me attention,
But keep it hush
Do I only love you because I’m scared
If it wasn’t for the anxiety,
Would those feelings still be there

You’ve got me all bubbly inside
Is it because we always hide

I crave the little secrets,
But would I feel the same if I didn’t keep it

Is the whole idea of this even real
What do we have if everything gets spilled

Can I trust you not to make a squeak
Taking a little peek
It might be all I need

Am I just chasing the high
You’re always on my mind
Lock it inside,
But if it got released,
Would you still be all I need

Maybe you flood me with dopamine
Is that even a thing

Am I too high on our fake love
To see that this isn’t enough

Am I setting myself up,
To fall apart

Is my mind,
Just tricking my heart?

© Clo_Belle