

The Grasp of the Slenderman
In the dense, foggy woods, where no sunlight seeps,
The Slenderman hunts, and the forest weeps.
With fingers like blades, and a void for a face,
He revels in terror, leaving blood in his wake.

Slenderman, Slenderman, a nightmare come true,
His touch means your end, your skin turns blue.
Cries muffled in fear, blood stains the clay,
Slenderman, Slenderman, he'll flay your soul away.

Notes stained in red, a gruesome tale they tell,
Of those who ventured close, and into darkness fell.
Each scream echoes long, every plea goes in vain,
For his pleasure is pain, and he thrives on the slain.

Heartbeats quicken, as coldness draws near,
A figure emerges, and everything's unclear.
Blood-drenched hands, reaching out to ensnare,
Into the abyss, with a malevolent glare.

Slenderman, Slenderman, shadow of demise,
A gleam of crimson, hidden in his eyes.
Tormented whispers, from the souls he betrayed,
Slenderman, Slenderman, in blood, his path laid.

Children's lullabies, twisted into a dirge,
Warning all souls, from his bloodlust urge.
For when he selects you, darkness will blacken your sun,
Your life will be over, the Slenderman has won.

Visions of gore, memories you can't flee,
His presence engulfs, you can never be free.
The deeper you're drawn, the clearer his malice defined,
Till all that is left, is the horror in your mind.

Slenderman, Slenderman, butcher of the night,
Leaving trails of the fallen, in the pale moonlight.
Cacophony of agony, his symphony of play,
Slenderman, Slenderman, to him, you're merely prey.

In the chilling silence, when every shadow grows,
Dread the slender butcher, adorned in his victims' woes.
For once his gaze captures, and his bloody hands expand,
You'll be eternally bound in the grasp of the Slenderman.

© Magnus Stalhart