

My Life On Paper
I wake up everyday with a powerful neck Just to keep my head up high
Little did I know that they meant confidence.
I showed up late for my first job interview because I have no GPRS and internet data is damn expensive out here.
I forgot am allergic to nuts and finished my first date on a stretcher bed on my way to the hospital.
How was I supposed to know that am allergic to nuts when I can't afford a Doctor's appointment.

The more I become educated the more I become foolish .
My brothers who can't read are counting CASH everyday
And those who can READ and WRITE are writing a petition,
Just to get a tax relief from the government.

My Life On Paper looks good but gloomy in reality.

My Life On Paper is SWEET but Bitter because of these bond notes and coins that can't buy me a house.

My Life On Paper......

© Mukoma_givellA