

I saw her
As a symphony
Bach’s, Cello Suite No. 1
Delicate yet powerful
Her harmony my map
To navigate her body
Pure, sublime and emotional
Intellectual foreplay
Am I worthy
Can I do her justice
Am I even meant to
For sure
She’s playing my tune
And I wish to dance
The sarabande
Scandalous obscenities
My bow it traverses her spine
Both her greatest weakness
And biggest strength
For me a curvature of delight
Like a Nile River mystery
The difference between
Life and death
It’s what made her my unicorn
And how I loved to trace it
Lovingly with my fingers
Sure it held the key to the secrets
Of unlocking her stone heart
A Sumerian tablet
With Hieroglyphs in G major
And definitely not a love song
Do I still care for my public image
Now lost to the sands of time
And a distant memory
Beyond archaeology
No digging this love up
A resurrection
Not covered in the Book of the Dead
I lack direction
Have I lost my way
Where to find the other side of love
Is heaven found in the things that we hate
And hell in that which we Love
I need a new kingdom
Yes I am free
But is that why I'm lost
How to make sense of this life
Do I just plunge into the chaos
And join the dance
Is it a sin
To kill a mockingbird
Are any of us truly

© the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
Image courtesy of: @Pinterest

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