

what will you think,on your Deathbed?
A lot to reminiscence,the memories past
I tend to think,in the extent of my bedraggled self
I regret of the things I didn't do,a mere fallacy
I should have slept with more women
Regrets of the observance then the dwell ,
Impounds on my already racket door
That in love I did believe,and dependence pursue
The ceaseless wants and needs that I got not
And soon,the dream hormones they kick in
Flashes of the miserable encounters
The consistent infringement my existence thwarted
And down the memory lane
And what's worse!than the haphazard sequence
That i soon beg to exit this realm
And still...the worst part is yet to begin
I wonder if many replays,the mind or soul can take
Turns out death is a lot less fun if you ain't the one causing it
© bett