

Broken But Motivated🙂
Before I gave up on you, I gave it my all. I tried and tried,and tried again to help you fix what was broken between
You never cared and would shrug it off as if I was exaggerating, as if I was making a big deal out of nothing.
That broke me down further.
I was scared of being alone
because I wasn't sure how I would function without you when you were all I was used to.
And then it hit me, you
gave me the best gift of all, a new perspective.
I didn't want to feel disappointed, neglected and unloved anymore.
I didn't want to feel as if anything I did wasn't good enough because I deserved to be happy, and that meant
not settling for crumbs when I could have the whole cake.
If you weren't going to make the effort, then I was going to do it for myself by walking away from someone who would never see my worth.
© nilacibi