

**Trigger Warning**BULLYING/VERBAL HARASSMENT & SUICIDE**Trigger Warning**
I witnessed someone being ridiculed for what they looked like.
People love tearing down others for who they are.
Somewhere a child suffers because of what a bully has said or done to them.
It's the main type of trauma schools still try give out.

I have seen people thrive on making someone else's life utterly miserable.
As if they're another joke for the day.
What if the person you bullied pulled the trigger on themselves today?
It's the real life outcome of someone being physically and verbally abused daily.

Kids come home with bruises.
Parents ask, "Why are the marks there?"
The child makes up another suitable reason.
Mom says, "Life isn't fair."

Everyday I would pray to make it alive.
Ignoring all the words as they come.
I stayed in trouble for verbally fighting back.
So tired of appearing in the wrong.

In school, it feels like an ongoing war.
It's the haves VS. the have nots.
The bullies never cease to stop.
We never give in to their hurtful words.

Bullies will find time to laugh at us.
We strive to not let them see us cry.
There will be days we have to sit alone.
Harassers do not care if we even die.

People who become bullies are stuck within their own world.
Drowning on the belief of what they think is right.
The reality they live in is biased and wrong.
Deep down, these monsters hope us "freaks" will soon be gone.

Why can't people see that everybody's the same?
We laugh and we cry.
Some live and some die.
Please can it ever be okay?
Maybe the fight can be over with already.

© urbanbearink