

Life:a journey:test of our fortitude
Ride forth against the tide,
Rise above the surf of challenges,
Welcome every sunrise with a vision,
Send off every sunset with hope... this is the way of living life we are like ships tossed among gusty sea all the events that chance are gales hurricanes tornadoes are as obstacles to obstruct our way but really they test our resolve
and the strength therein if our resolve is strong and clarity of goal nothing in the world can stop us from achieving our goal it's our weakness of resolve and blurred vision of the goal to which we succumb to and do fail and then blame
God Fate Destiny even a hardened in experience helmsman will fail embarking on the voyage with a weak
resolve but a person with a strong resolve and clarity of vision will surely
reach the destination inspite of all obstacles he has to face we fail due to our human weaknesses weakness of resolve and lack of vision it's truly said
God helps those who help themselves
this happens when we strive against all odds thus achievement is the guerdon of diligence and strong effort Destiny
helps the valiant our input is to give our best effort and remain undeterred
by adversities coming our way life is also a voyage or journey we are the helmsman of our ship or traveller we have to move on towards our port or destination fortified by strong resolve
to achieve our goals ending the voyage or journey with success take life as a adventure you are unknown what is ahead but put your best unfettered of obstacles that befall enroute Success counts and the tempo of success is captivating and enthralling you'll forget
the pains you underwent finally Tennyson has said"One equal temper of heroic hearts made weak by Time and Fate but strong in Will to strive to achieve to find but not to yield"and Luck favours the brave.
© Pegasus 999