

The true living GOD
Were they're gods here when the foundations of the earth were established.
Were they're gods here in the beginning of time.
Do the gods of these people work miricles, heal, cast out demons and prophecy- No they don't.
Because they're gods are only images.
Whether made by humans or carved out by wood,
then decorated with paint, silver and gold.
They are nothing more than idols.
They are scarecrows in the field.
They cannot speak.
They cannot walk.
They are no good.
The religion of these people is worthless
and lead people to hell.
These other gods are made by the human mind and are crafted by human too,
so they're gods have no power.
They're religion was made by humans
and so they're religion is worthless.
There is no proof of they're gods existence!

There is only one true living GOD.
He is the eternal King.
His name is great, mighty and powerful.
When He is angry the world trembles
and the nations cannot endure His anger.
GOD is the living GOD.
He has a Son, Jesus Christ who is the LORD of lords
the KING of kings
and the HOLY SPIRIT who is GOD'S SPIRIT dwelling in born-again believers,
because of Him born-again believers can heal
cast out demons
work miricles
and more, so why do you think people who worship the true living GOD and follow His Son, Jesus Christ can do these things,
because GOD IS REAL
and He is the true living GOD.
So turn to Him, through Jesus Christ our LORD
because salvation is for all!❤️💕🙏

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Inspired by Jeremiah 10: 1-16