

A request to LIFE
All lost and
Here I stand
Life has thrown
Yet another googly
Another Curve ball...
Suddenly here entered
LOVE! And I don't know what to do.
for the life of me
That, my old self, knew
This self has yet to learn
As it is just a baby...
"Hey Life...
Do you realise
What you do to our lives?
By constantly challenging us
Changing everything at once
How you keep us destabilized?
Us poor humans unaware
Of what's starkly visible to all
Others totally clued in, knowing
Of what's to us, hidden, a total mystery.
Struggling to make sense and glean
How to manage our lives, gain mastery.
Could you make things easier
For us by giving a road map
Or schedule or mirror to refer?
So that we can sort out our lives
Help others a little (hopefully)
And take care of ourselves a little better.
After all, The Good Lord has given
Eyes which only see outward
What can see within is hidden in us
And we've forgotten that it is in us.
So the mirror will let us see ourselves
And hopefully we'll use it to help us."
And so I stand
Now with head bowed
And arms folded
Asking for help
And understanding
All subdued.

© Guy3