

Words crowd the mind in a jumbled throng.
Awake and asleep sing an alluring song.
Paint the canvas of life with varied hues.
A rainbow of emotions they do infuse.
At times act pricey don't come easy.
Other times wax lyrical and breezy.
The consonants are no less precious than jewels.
Stitched with love and ingenuity they become gems.
Thru ages they have enthralled humans.
Metaphors, similies, phrases n their adaptations.
Adjectives and adverbs spin a fascinating web.
Man in a woman n noun in a pronoun, parts of the cobweb.
These stitched letters wield considerable power
Have to be circumspect in our behavior.
A pause or wrong punctuation can play chaos.
Upend what you want to profess.
Can't use as in a board of scrabble.
Lest lead to a lot of squabbles.
They act as a catharsis for me.
A vanguard of peace I do agree.

© Lakshmi Ramesh