

Enough to be Loved

When the dark dye fills in the soft whispers of dusk.
At where the sky hugs the earth,
The soft touch gives me peace.
The feel of the breeze on my skin.

Life should always be rushed.
Simple, unassuming, and serene,
the place where one’s heart rest.
Away from the cacophony of callings.

The raw vulnerability is enough.
We offer in hesitant smiles,
in the happy laugh that dance.
Freely connected between souls .

It is not enough to tally in order to feel loved.
Neither with the same scale nor in affection.
However, this time around not just for a bask in warm acceptance.
There is a loving look which transcends all limitations.

Just to blossom should be enough to be loved.
Unfurling petals of authenticity,
embracing flaws as intricate beauty.
Silent assurance of knowing one’s worth.

Sancturary is the feeling of being loved.
In the embrace of understanding,
in the softness of empathy.
Indeed, a refuge of true encounter between spirits.

They deserved love enough to make it feel like a hug.
Is it to discover within ourselves,
the reservoirs of compassion,
for it to pour forth and to be restored?

The latter entails a dance of human connections.
Its the symphony of enough being,
love’s strand.
An unending tapestry of different threads which are interwoven together.
© jaylinestarr