

Dear future best friend,
  Let's never let words go unsaid
  Keep our bitter hearts to ourselves
  And our bitter thoughts to ourselves
Let's make the most of it
I don't and would not want to lose you too
But at this point in life,
Where I am now,
I know, 
That anything could happen
  I could lose you too
But before I do 
Let's make plans and fulfill them on spot
Let's make the most of it
Let's live life like it's the last
Because in this life we only live once 
I won't lie and say that things will be the same 
Because I've realized my heart is made of stone
Only glass for one person at a time
And when it's glass for you
Hold it carefully until you can't no more
Because when it breaks and tears spill
It will mend and become unknown
A stranger to me too
So I hope we make the most of it
At the time we are still but one
I promise to love you like that time will never come 
So that when it does it leaves no regrets
No 'i wish we hads'
A scar will be left I know
  But dear my future half 
              Let's never let those fears limit us 
               I want us to never let words go unsaid

poem by Nimbus feels

© nimbus feels