

My fam
Trying to impress
Trying to Success
Trying to Suppress
The feeling of it being pointless.

Mama say's
You're the smartest,
You can do it the best,
Make dad the proudest?

One sis doesn't neeed to be impressed,
She's just not interested.
Other sis doesn't care if I'm being the best,
As long as I'm Rested and Relaxed.

But I'm none of those!
I'm not the smartest,
Definitely not rested and relaxed,
Dad won't be the proudest
I'm sorry to upset.

It's just too much,
Of the feeling that i
Must succeed ,
Must make everyone impressed!

You care when i am on the rode of success,
You don't care if I fail or succeed.
Once the road is done
You'll find another rode
for me to complete
And stilll think of me as the best!

I get it!
For others it might seem so nice,
So so kind, to accept me even if i lose,
Even if i disappoint
Well it's not!
Cause when u say I'm the best,
You expect me to be the best,
You make me feel like i need to impress!

No matter if i lose or fail
or Get the golden medall
Or straight A's on my test
Or even straight F's!

You won't care abt the ending,
As long as i do what u tell me to
What u expect me to,
What u alwayss wanted me to!

Let me be a kid for once!
A teenager !
I get it u put
Ur hopes on me
Ur dreams on me
But what about mine?

Thank you for your support!
But if you didn't care about
what i need or want
All these years.
Why pretend you do now?

Mama called me last night,
And kindly asked
About my week
How did it go?!

I answered excitedly.
I got the golden medal!
I got an A?
I failed the test in math tho.

Mama said!
Sorry sweetie?
What was that?
Nevermind, i can't talk right now
I'm at your sister's!
Take care!
Don't forget to sign up
For the classes tomorrow.

Dad called!
After three months
Since we last talked,
And said:

Hey, how u doing little one?
How's life? How's classes?
Have a boyfriend yet?
Well if u do, they don't deserve you
Guys are player's stay away!

Oh, hey dad! i said
I'm good, thanks!
Told mom already
about the medal and the test's!
Did she say anything?

No, we don't talk about
those things you know.
You need money?
Tell me if you do!

No dad I'm good thanks,
Anyway about those tests
I got an A and failed one too,

What are you sorry for?
School sucks anyway!
Don't need it,
Who cares if u get an A or fail,

What did you say about medal tho?
What did you get?

Oh right!
Well i got the gold medal
At the competition you told me to go to,
It was pretty fun actually !

Oh that! Ha Pointless !
Anyone can play that game
good job tho
Okay i need to go now!
Tell me if you need money.

Yeah thanks, I'll if i need it
Love y...
Hanged up on me,
What a suprise!

So they call me to ask about me,
But then just doesn't care
Why do they make me do stuff
And then not show any care!

I'm tired!
Tired of pleasing,
Tired of impressing,
Tired of Suppressing
The feelings i have!

Don't call me now!
I have nothing to say !
The girl you think you knew
Is gone, she's been gone
For a long,long time now!

Take care dear fam!
Stay safe !♡
Be happy, like you always are without me!

© Viewer2004