

"Courageous Journey"

In the depths of darkness, when shadows loom,
And all seems lost, in the silent gloom.
Take heart, my friend, for dawn will break,
And light will come, with every ache.

In life's great journey, twists abound,
But with each turn, new strength is found.
For every stumble, a lesson learned,
And from each fall, resilience earned.

Though storms may rage, and tempests roar,
Within your soul, find peace and more.
For deep within, a fire burns bright,
Guiding you through the darkest night.

In moments of doubt, hold fast your dreams,
For nothing is as strong as it seems.
With courage as your steadfast guide,
You'll conquer mountains, far and wide.

Believe in the power that lies within,
And let your journey truly begin.
For you are the architect of your fate,
With every step, you create, you create.

So rise up, dear heart, and claim your place,
In the grand tapestry of time and space.
For you are worthy, strong, and true,
The world awaits, what will you do.
© Patrick