

Chapter: 20 Second Woman
My love for you is like a wild flower,
delicate yet tough. Beautiful yet ferocious.
It does not need your commitment to sustain, It does not need a social approval to prolong and just when there is a moment of conscience, it unfolds in the most surprising ways.

My love for you is a soul awakening, for you and for me.
My love for you is as simple as the songs you'd hum like a lullaby while trying to make your 2 year old sleep and as complicated as a showstopper bug you'd try to fix at work.

As lucid as the universe, as non-existent as a writer's abstract thought.
Simple and complicated all at once.

I welcomed you in my world with arms spread and I let you go unnoticed.
You are always welcome in my world if you'd like to be a part of it again, However just know that I am not your second women, there is no competition but I always was first and will be, because I don't need you to love you.

You are bound, I am not, I am that unpolished sparkling piece of rock you once called diamond.
A paragon in a dense forest waiting to be discovered by you.
I am that home you'd always belong to.
I am the peace of your heart and the noise of your soul. Find me when you get exhausted from mundane rituals of everyday.
When the monotonous life is not what you want to settle for.
When you want to live not to pass days and add years to your age.
Find me, today, tomorrow, ten, twenty, thirty years from now, or in the next birth, promise me, you will search for me in the whole world, again and again...until you'd find me.. and I promise I will come.

© Anshi