

"Lady of Inspiration"
"Lady of Inspiration"
By: De Ona Charamut

I met a lady today
And she gave me hope
She gave me a chance
Even knowing im on dope
She told me her story
And what it took for her
She said "its your turn"
"Now what needs to occur?"
"What is it gonna take
To get on the right track
Cause you also in the process
Of getting your daughter back"
It moved me to tears with
All of the things she had to say
"You have to start somewhere
And TODAY is the perfect day"
In Dallas, Texas this lady has created such programs
That enables people to engage within the Dallas community
She teaches women the tools needed for success
And has given many a second chance at life and opportunity
She provides access to a range of things
From job training to spiritual support
You can count that she'll always build you up
And never have to worry about Selling you short
I came to Adventure & Victory
Through Texas Probation and
God's good graces
God just has a way of putting you
In all the right and needed places
Im so glad i met this lady
Giving me somewhere to start today
She's been a HIGE inspiration to me
With all the powerful words she had to say

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