

Be the divine voice
The voice we use to create harmony
The loudest or the deepest inner voice
That remains silent
From the truth?
Witnessing the crooked lies?
The hypocrisy
The uninvited laws
The injustice or the delayed justice
The rules only for minorities
Where are those who created the laws?
Perhaps to be safely kept in the books of law
The media yelling and creating a live circus
The monkey business of scratching and throwing words at each
Sad to witness such realities
The voice we are here to raise
The voice we are aware to use well with time
Never to blindly follow with reality shows and live news updates
I look back and as I hold the Vedas in my heart
The Mahabharata has just began
The recreation of lawbreakers
The lawmakers
The disrespect of women and citizens
Who blindly believe as a follower of the crime
Stop and look back
Are we meant to read and blindly follow?
See and react?
Are we not the citizens of a free country
Where the ordinary people have a voice
Alas! The voice is heard within
Yelling, calling out, answering doubts
The justice to be granted in many stories
The voice of true action and courage
What is right is never heard
As we follow the lies and the laughter of wrongdoers
Carrying a mask as a reformer of the free country
Can we gift ourselves more of spirituality and moral values
To read what is right
To feel what is right
To act and let the voice be heard in pure clarity
@ Shiny
