

To that innocent little girl full of life
Whose dreams were constantly disregarded,
Not taken with the proper attention nor seriousness they should have been treated with.
Now she is making them come true,
Little by little,
All by herself.

To the teenage girl that always felt empty inside,
Skipped her meals and avoided
Having to pluck up the courage to face her own reflection in the mirror, feeling nothing but deep anguish.
Now she finds joy in the little things that make her genuinely smile.
She takes care of her body as she would a sacred temple,
And never ever hides from herself.

To the now young girl that has recovered again that unique sparkle of hers she thought was long gone.
Still trying to find her place in this vast world,
But, in the meantime, in her own makeshifted one she relishes,
Appreciating the beautiful little things life has to provide,
And simply enjoying the ride
To the home she discovered within herself.

© bleeding_on_paper