

Tonight I wasn't as afraid like before when I went running towards that open door of freedom that once again cheerfully awaits for my impending arrival never denying survival is the only friend I got when we lost all sights.
Why does it feel less harmful to my health like it did before? could it be because I am nurturing me instead of the we that just never could be? Or was it the translucent face that gave you away with more clues to find that you tried so hard to hide but guess what I marched this parade b4 that being said this buds for you and fuck you too.
No new chills, never a single quiver only what was felt was that pest of splinter that left blisters then scars to show that he will always be right there never going to far.
thank you my heart, my soul and once more to the pricks that could not use the dick even if his life dependent on it, silly rabbit leave them tricks to dem kids that yes indeed they are our future so lets teach them well so they can understand that they hold every single key to their happiness no one else, never point the blame for passing the buck will surely get you bad luck.
Moments with me can be hard at times so cherish them especially knowing they were never selfish at any given time but love was handed over to easy sum see that as bit sleezy I'm here to say Fuck you!! let them judge or say things that never are true because the truth is better told when it follows with an I told you so.