

An Unforgettable Experience (Mar. 3, 2023)
Ever since the day we met together,
Fate begins to string us by forever.

Your interests are similar to mine;
Such as the humor that we feel fine.

As we grow closer with one another,
Our true colors show up with each other.

Our negatives conflict with your own,
Bringing us to an argument of thorn;

Disagreements, and yet fixable,
But too many to be made doable.

Our love deteriorates in just mere terms,
Yet we choose to accept with our own mourns.

Your realization and experience with me
Managed to make you better for your life.

Despite your change, you're not the only one,
For I am grateful too with all the fun.

Lest we continue with our new journey,
Hope you never forget the lessons I say.

Remember that we have lots of fun,
And I wish you the best on the run.

Until then, we must live on with our own,
So when we grow older, vow we'll meet soon.

© Vyrene

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