

In twilight's embrace, before dawn's debut,
A canvas unfolds, an ensemble of hues.
The world awaits with bated breath,
As stars and moon bid fond adieu.

Emotions rise, a stirring sight,
Nature's artistry, a glorious flight.
In golden tendrils, hope takes flight,
A promise whispered, hearts alight.

A lesson learned, a story untold,
Before the sun's embrace, behold.
Life's transitions, ever so bold,
Minutes treasured, similar to strings of gold.

With every heartbeat, dreams converge,
An endless journey to emerge.
In quiet stillness, hearts converge,
Reflecting on life's gentle surge.

The darkest hour, a turning tide,
Resilient souls, no fears to hide.
A moment's grace, souls unified,
Through darkness, love and hope reside.

So, cherish this moment, before dawn awakes,
In its tender embrace, the soul partakes.
For every sunrise, a chance to remake,
Our fates bound, forever at stake.
© Saheba Parveen Parkash