

Seeking Wholeness Within.
In the depths of my soul, there's a void,
A missing piece that's left me annoyed.
A puzzle incomplete, I search in vain,
To find the part that eases the pain.

In memories and dreams, I seek a clue,
To mend the fragments, make me anew.
Yet, time slips away, like grains of sand,
Leaving me longing, with an outstretched hand.

Where could it be, this elusive part,
That completes the canvas of my heart?
In laughter's echo or love's embrace,
I hope to find it, in time and space.

I wander through life's winding trails,
Seeking solace in whispered tales,
Of others who've felt this yearning too,
In the search for what makes them whole and true.

The journey's tough, and doubts persist,
But hope persists, I can't resist.
For in the quest for that missing piece,
I may discover a newfound peace.

And when at last, the puzzle's complete,
I'll embrace the wholeness, feel replete.
For the missing piece of me I sought,
Was within all along, a lesson taught.
© nov_of_heart