

love spells

Love spells

For those of who
Are desperate,
Yet you don’t deserve
To die
But you deserve
Whatever it it’s comin
For you…you gotta protect
Yourselves when they

Why would you wanna do
A love spell on someone who
Doesn’t want you? The thing is
You can’t make them love
You back..

You don’t care
You don’t listen
Love spells are dangerous
You rush into relationship to end
Up broken….please

Love should be natural….
Love should comes by itself
Without you being too quick…

I’m not a witch
I don’t do spells
I hear people’s experiences
They told others to be careful
They said if you do some romantic rituals
Wrong, it give you backlashes…

I understand
People want to be loved
Like genuinely loved
And there’s nothin wrong with that
But to go about it,
Usin dark magic to have someone
Chase you out of spite…
No honey, it’s not a good idea….
And you don’t deserve to be in a casket
When things go too far…

I would say be careful of
What you’re doin…
I would also say don’t do it at all

Love comes as love’s timin…
It should be natural…
It shouldn’t be rushed…

When people do love spells,
They don’t have patience….
They wanna beg for true romance
In a second..
They’re ignorant….
Like I said before
They don’t listen to what other
People are tellin them
Til karma hits them in the gut
Sayin i told you so…

I won’t do love spells…
I let love come as it pleases….

The hardest lesson I think
You ever learned aftermath
Is that you can’t make someone falls in love with
You, especially when a person doesn’t really
Like you like that….

Some people can’t fathom that their crushes
Doesn’t like them back…they don’t wanna learn
So they keep doin a spell after spell to get
Them to be your true love, when it’s an obsession
All over again…

They want danger… They want unsafety…

Just be cautious
Be cautious of
What you’re doin…💯💔🧙🏾🪄©️Kai C. 6-18-24
© Kai C..