

Flower six🌼
Uncertainty makes me feel like a piece of meat in front of a wolf

I've been through so many changes, so why do I feel like the same girl?

Everyone wants to take so many things from me, but honestly...I don't have anything to give

I miss the feeling of knowing what I have to do tomorrow,and next week, and next four months,and next year.

How can I deel with this when all that I hear is...,,You're smart, you'll be fine."

I can't even describe myself and they think they know me?

What's the definition of ,,being fine" ? Is it the same for you as it is for me? Who the hell are you?

It's sounds weird,but when i'm alone I think about the last guy I was close with

He doesn't like my photos anymore and seems to have fun with his new girl

From time to time I still think about his head on my chest and my fingers in his hair

It's so selfish to say...but I miss the feeling of being wanted, not him

Sometimes I think of myself as a bad person, but they advise me to be more cocky

Scared of closing my eyes.Being scared that I can get used to it...

If only I could feel nothing.It must be great not feeling scared.

© fadedflower94