

Thinking Outside The Box Containing The Box Many Keep Their Thoughts Boxed Up In
I dont need no permanent tattoos
I got flesh that shows aesthetic scars
Which are cool parts, of bone chilling pasts,
broken kept in casts of dazzling cold shards
blindingly bright like energetically radiated light
born in the transmutation furnaces of old stars
Poetry is visual music masquerading as vibrational fields of surreal emotional imagery, estatically
Exploding, disposing the foggy veil over my own heart
Pesky pests get precariously pried from prized crops
by mind crushing and eardrum bursting emphasized verbalized outcries intertwined with generalized eyes motioning through blinks like utilized morse code like summarized vocalized crowbars
Which are literally literary supplies often suffice to provide moral advice, devised and manufactured, from my innermost
processed thoughts that outta be known as the mind vault which are metaphorically analytical phonetic articulated mines defined by an imaginative sight aligned right with descriptive might, lyrically musically inclined to flow hard sourced directly from the confines of my whole heart
As long as my soul's marred, trembling hands shaking
like lands during an earthquake hold razor sharp barbs
Targeting bathetic bored belligerent beacons beseeching, bringing belief to my breathing, calmly patient in meditation, breeching blindedly branded reinforced boundaries, benefiting from the wise light bestowed from the barely bright but still blatantly energized old stars, hidden behind clouds of dust and gas, the universe's canvas boasting of beautiful chemical art, which I see myself as being made of whimsical parts, minimum in detrimental momentum, maximized effort to enter the permissible start, as I
brazenly throw towards all known to be foes, their identities disclosed by formally untold moments enclosed in the throes of souls held astronomically low in woes exposed to irreversibly damaging contaminants so dark, precise with aim down to the exact atom I so wish to leave peacefully impacted, what is to any form of toxicities, poison tipped ballistic audio darts
laziness astoundingly shows harm, buckling
beneath malevolent pressure of depression invokes dark
Tendencies of hostility, hence the reason I begin to be
motioning myself to keep in motion to go far
Exercising muscle cramped bruised...