

In this cruel world being alone sucks
I wanted to talk about love, would love to get the butterfly in stomach,
The feeling of the first love, the beautiful anxiety before talking to our loved one,
The romantic atmosphere, the smile which come after a pretty name we hear,
The day dreaming, the unreal fantasies of getting loved, the silly thinking of being in love.

What I have become from the past years ,
I just lost the feeling of love, the feeling of wanting someone is over,
Sometimes I feel, is living worth it without someone loved or it ok to not able to love.

I am missing my school day where I was a fool who trusted people which you shouldn't, the lessons I got from it is still haunts me later,
The fear of love which I got from my past is a horrible matter.

I am waiting for someone who will make me flattered, make me laugh and cry and angry make me feel like I matter,
Want to go for hiking and camping in the top of a beautiful mountain with the breathtaking views of my loved one,
Want to feel the breeze and be alive again in this dead world.

© silim