

I thought the moment that I saw you
everything would become clear
and we would laugh at the absurdity
of my self consciousness and fear

I thought you'd look into my eyes and know
as I already have long known
that I was that elusive woman
you've always wanted to call home

but I guess you can't really plan
and I guess you never really know
we just each feel our way through the fog
trusting our hearts know where to go

and me
I've managed to be late
for everything I've ever done
and I wonder if I'd arrived a little earlier
if I might've been the one

and suddenly all these thoughts
are clouding and convoluting my mind
wish I could fucking just forget you move on with my life, leave you behind

but in my heart I know
I'll trail you instead
down the road to perdition
I just cannot seem to ever
sever my soul from yours
my singular obsession
my beautiful addiction
© The Alchemical Sea Goat