

Broken Wings
I have broken wings,

unable to fly,

be free.

When people ask if i'm okay

I say there is no such state.

During endless, boring summer days,

I used to be excited to go out and play.

Anything, really, for a change

But now, no, that is not the case.

I feel like a sugar maple tree

with no sap to spare.

No one to follow.

I'm just hollow.

I'm not who I'm meant to be.

It's just me and my broken wings.

Do not fear,

I am not waiting for someone

who will try to fix me

For I, now, embrace my broken wings.

I say they are things

that cling during spring

And sprout when I'm out

I say they are doings of great Kings,

Queens, and Deities

I say they are blessings.

I say they do not define my


I will teach myself how to fly.

I will adapt to my insecurity.

I will fly again someday soon.

© Shadow_4610