

Embrace the moments in your life

Tarry not towards the end,
Await and appreciate,
As you are now,
Your sorrow and your joy...

For in this fleeting moment's grace,
Life's tapestry unfolds, a blend,
Of both the tears and laughter's ploy,
Embrace each moment, in its employ.

With each dawn's early light, arise,
To seize the day, with hopeful eyes,
For in the morning's tender glow,
New opportunities often show.

And when the twilight hues descend,
Reflect on all that you've transcended,
The trials and tribulations faced,
Have shaped your journey, interlaced.

Though sorrow's weight may seem profound,
It's in these moments, strength is found,
For through adversity, we grow,
Blossoming like flowers in a row.

In joy, let your heart freely sing,
Like birds on the breeze, take to wing,
For happiness is a gift so sweet,
Treasure it, let your spirit meet.

The present is a fleeting wisp,
A tapestry of moments missed,
So tarry not, embrace the now,
With gratitude, let your heart bow.

For life's a journey, ever changing,
With joys and sorrows rearranging,
But as you navigate each bend,
Cherish the moments, beginning to end.

© asaph

#Writcopoemprompt38#writcopoem#lifestyle #inspirational #asaph306