

A sacrifice too great?
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son"

Was such a sacrifice worth anything?

How could a man give up his own son to us, Yet there is no honor towards such a sacrifice?

It's shameful

We're so full of greed
We take advantage of others, in anyway we see fit.
Commit such awful acts against those innocent and their innocence.

Children cry, over the mental anguish that fall upon their hearts. Hearts that are already so heavy.

A man gives his son, so that we may prosper.
But we have failed. "God's greatest creations"

How can we be so great?
All I can do is sit and wonder

Would God give up his son once more if it meant we can change?

(I mean no disrespect towards religion or one's beliefs. Each man has his values and each of those values I shall respect)

© Aries Andino