

My life is an open book
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey

If you would just take the time to look,
You can see that my life is that of an open book,
I relate to everyone that I see or speak to,
I do share everything with everyone even that which is untrue …

I do find when I am open in writing,
No more am I interested in fighting,
Therein lies if you can see, a moral,
If we were all to open our lives through the write,

Maybe individually we can avoid the quarrel…
Even nations could their differences, resolve,
And through this opening up procedure,
Maybe that god on high will help us and absolve,

At the very least, this old world of ours could,
Through the write and an open relationship,
Move further on, yes, maybe even evolve…