

The effect of covid-19
It The #WritcoPoemChallenge
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors, No one to turn to, everyone scared of death.
Fears, worry and uncertainties writing on faces.
The fear of losing your job, bills piling up .Fear of one contacting the virus.
Covis-19 came just like a storm tearing family apart , destroying world economy, schools are shut down, market closed , worship centers are shut down , turning a lot of people in to begger.
we can defeat andoovercome covid -19 if only we follow all the lay downs procedure by the government officials by observing social distance, washing our hands often wearing of protective gear.
There are lessons to be learned that we must not depend on just an income, plan for future occurrence and cultivate the habit of saving

Covid -19 has always opened our eyes, that our government don't planned ahead concerning the health sector,