

Look how beautiful and
amazing you are!
Look how much you
can go far!
Look how much hardwork
you can do!
Look how far you
can pursue!
Dude! you are extraordinary.
How for you it can
be so blurry?
Look there is a path front
of you.
Walk on it slowly to
make your dream come true.
Don't be always in a
Don't always run
after winning otherwise you
will be in a hurry.
Just focus on the process otherwise you will have stress.
Just believe that you
are born to be successful no matter how the situation can change.
Just focus on 'YOU' and you can arrange.
Just keep it within yourself and yes,you can do!!
No matter what you are going through.
At last, I would say"Just believe".
And there is hardwork that you must never leave.
© Ayesha khanam