

Love is not a game you play
I still don't have a clue
It isn't something that you talk about
It's something that you do
Love can make you happy
Or leave you sad and blue
Love can make you want to change
Or keep you stuck like glue
Love can help to heal the world
And love can tear it down
Love can lift the Heavens up
Or burn them to the ground
Love can make you want to dance
Or bring you down to Hell
Dazed and confused, stuck in a trance
You have a soul to sell
Love can make you do some things
You didn't want to do
There isn't much that love can't do
Once it has control of you
Love can make you lose yourself
You're never coming back
The needle is my speeding train
My arm will show the tracks
Love will make you hit someone
You swore you wouldn't hit
Love will keep you coming back
There's not enough of it
They tell me love will always win
But man I just don't know
Because love has kept me stuck in Hell
Without no place to go
So now I'm scared to face myself
I carry guilt and shame
It's something that you do
It's really not a game
© 2023 Stephen George