

It Is Not All About Us

They say the first law of nature is self preservation.

Look out for self because no one else will.

For centuries countries and people's who seemed to be blessed by the Almighty did not live by this creed of selfish greed.

They sought to do something that was bigger then themselves.

They wanted to make a difference in the lives of others.

They worked until they could work no more.

They sacrificed until they had no more to give of themselves.

They died so others could live and enjoy what they could never have.

You would think we would embrace such a legacy of honor, duty and human decency?

We should, we ought too, but we don't !

Instead we are consumed by every fiber of society from the White House to the Church House even in our own homes and personal lives.

To think and believe in one thing.

Our own self preservation.

Self seems to be the most important guiding principle of our life.

Everything we do seems to be directed by one overwhelming motivation. "What's in it for me"

Let me say to you that work hard.
Who have established a business or a career.

It is not wrong to enjoy the fruits of your labor. To live the life that you have made for yourself

As great as our accomplishments may be to us.

We can not choose to be ignorant of why they have come about?

While we enjoy our view from above

Let us never forget !

Others who came before us broke up the hard ground.

They laid the foundation that we stand upon.

Should we be willing we can read about them.

We can read about their commitment to the betterment of our society.

We can read about their sacrifices and their heroics.

All because they wanted the life of those who came after them to be better then the life they had for themselves.

For over two hundred years that's what being an American was all about.

Building something great so others could build something even greater.

Maybe one day when we get past thinking about ourselves.

We also will do the same for the generation that is coming behind us.
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