

Violence Against Women; The Never Ending Story
Rape, beaten, demoralized and abused
tossed aside like trailer trash yet figuratively speaking dump like a dead carcass at bay in the streets ,alley ways, curbside, bushes and nearby ponds or even in rivers
we woman are subjectively made to dress a certain way,and act a certain way to fit the society standards but here we are subjects of a more petrifying and gruesome act towards us
woman are the backbones of the society forefront we make mistakes but sometimes those mistakes are the ammunition that brings forth a retaliation greater to none that can withstand all odds. we are being hurt by the ones that we love , strangers and even the ones that we call our friends
life sometimes not what it seems but we cannot understand it all. looking through a microscope sometimes picks up tiny specks of information but looking through a kaleidoscope can revolutionize the ways how we see things and put them into perspective. woman are mothers,daughters, leaders, builders,creative geniuses, future chemist, doctors,nurses,entrepreneurs and dreamers who make their dreams become a reality only to be taken away from them by narcissistic, pedophilic,abusive and avaricious assholes that can't take" No" for an answer. the derogative behavior of these nonchalant pessimists fools should not be left unpunished, if this is not being treated or nipped at the source it will be like a cacophony of cancerous outbreaks that will become a widespread pandemic.
regardless of whom they might be this should not be left unresolved what if the roles were reversed and woman were the ones committing rape and murder ,this would be like a backlash of degenerates who doesn't know what it is like to be in a position where your rights, your body and your innocence is taken from you.Rape and Murder are the leading crimes against woman next to domestic violence the crucial concept is that it is happening all around us and we need to stand up for one another in this world of injustice and immorally constitutional rights.
#"Speak up Speak out"# "End Violence Against Woman".
© trixie21